How to choose the perfect tea set for your Chinese tea ?

How to choose the perfect tea set for your Chinese tea ?

If you're reading this article, you must be a tea lover, .and I, as a true tea lover who was born in the town of Oolong tea and having tea for more than 20 years since childhood, I like to recommend some different teapots which I'm using most, maybe can give you some ideas about how to choose your perfect teapot.
We know there are six types of Chinese tea: White, Black, Yellow, Red, Green, and Oolong tea. They are classified according to the degree of baking.

Which is your favorite tea? And do you know how many types of tea are for Chinese tea?

☆ Purple Clay tea set, Yixing purple clay teapot is the most famous tea set in the world.


The purple clay tea set is easy to absorb the taste and retain the tea flavor to a greater extent, which makes the tea flavor last. The intense heat preservation and slow heat dissipation of the purple clay pot make it easier to give full play to the tea nature, thus making the tea richer in flavor.

Black tea, Oolong tea are suitable for Yinxing Purple Clay Teaset.

☆☆Gaiwan, it's mainly made of ceramic but also has purple clay gaiwan.

Gaiwan is the most friendly tea set, especially for new tea lovers. The recommendation index of the cover bowl is very high, which applies to most kinds of tea. It is also better to master the amount of tea and water, better to taste, and easy to clean.

Red tea, White tea, Black tea, Oolong tea, and Yellow tea are suitable for Gaiwan.

 ☆☆☆Glass teaset.

 Glass tea sets are trendy among tea lovers. Firstly, glass tea sets are beautiful and pure, made of high-transparency glass, with high transparency. When brewing tea, you can see the posture of the tea leaves without hindrance and enjoy the beauty that other tea sets cannot show.

Green tea, Scent Tea are suitable for glass tea sets.

 ☆☆☆☆Automatic Lazy Teaset

Automatic teaset is mainly made of ceramic or glass. Its advantage is that it is easy to use and doesn't worry about burning your hands.

Most designs are retro, with Chinese cultural characteristics, or simple and elegant.

Green tea, Scent Tea, and Oolong tea are suitable for Automatic Lazy Teaset.


☆☆☆☆☆Portable teaset

A portable teaset, also known as a traveling tea set, it's an excellent invention for tea lovers.

Most are made of ceramic, glass, or purple clay. Generally speaking, travel tea sets are designed to be very simple and easy to carry.

Surely tea lovers would want to have tea anytime, anywhere, but it's inconvenient when traveling or on a business trip. You might want to own one of these portable tea sets.

Green tea, Scent Tea, and Oolong tea are suitable for Portable teaset.




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