2023 Chaozhou GongFu Tea Conference

2023 Chaozhou GongFu Tea Conference

On May 14th, 2023, the Chaoshan Kung Fu Tea Festival kicked off with a series of events on the famous Paifang Street in Chaozhou. By setting up tea tables, the event recreated the atmosphere of drinking traditional Kung Fu tea in Old Chaozhou and offered an immersive experience in the art of making and drinking tea. The sound of charcoal burning, greetings, and applause filled the air, making for a lively scene. With "Kung Fu Tea" as the main theme and "Chaozhou beyond tea, beyond fireworks" as the main topic, the tea party featured six scene-based Kung Fu tea vendors, including a neighborhood gathering, tea and rice shops, tea cooked over a stove, bicycle tea vendors, small vendor Kung Fu tea (duck eggs with fragrant sauce), and calligraphy stalls with Kung Fu tea. These scenes recreated the daily life of Chaozhou folk as they drank Kung Fu tea, allowing the audience to experience this traditional art form firsthand.

From May 12 to 14, 2023, the Chaoshan Kung Fu Tea Festival will be held in People's Square, with the slogan "Good Mountains, Good Water, Good Kung Fu", promoting the high-quality development of the Chaoshan Phoenix Dancong tea industry and bringing the culture of Kung Fu Tea to the whole country and the world.

the opening of 2023 Chaozhou Kungfu Tea Conference

As one of the most iconic elements of Chaoshan, Kung Fu Tea got its name from the process of "picking, producing and selling" from a single tea plant. It embodies the ultimate aesthetics and essential aspects of Chinese tea culture, being an active fossil of thousands of years of tea culture and a national-level intangible cultural heritage.

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